Thursday, February 12, 2009

Some people Bintan region defined as the area of Free Trade Zone (FTZ) will enjoy the inexpensive car. Section, all goods that enter the region including the FTZ Bintan will exempt from tax levies.

"All goods entering the FTZ to the area will include a tax-free cars and electronics," said Client Services Coordinator Office and the Customs General Bea Batam, Kurniawan to Batam Pos, Selasa (10 / 2).

To import a car with a capacity of 1500 CC will be exempt from taxes, including customs of 40 percent, 10 percent VAT, Import PPH of 2.5 per cent and 30 per cent of PPnBM. In fact, for a car with the engine above 3000 CC PPnBM greater discount, the above numbers can be 50 percent.

In addition to the car, electronics will also enjoy cheaper residents in the region because tax FTZ will also impornya abolished. During this time, electronic customs import charge of 10 percent, 2.5 percent of PPH and VAT of 10 percent. Everything will be reduced at the same time the presence of FTZ.

However, not all residents of the island of Bintan will enjoy the car, and cheap imports eletronik earlier. Because the area is defined as Bintan FTZ area but not in part only.

As a Customs officer, diberlakukannyanya FTZ Bintan in some areas is a serious challenge. A number of tax-free products that are not allowed to permeate other areas of their status as non-FTZ areas.

Related electronic Batam that price is now more expensive than Jakarta, according Kurniawan this is due to the undertaking (BP) Regions have not been issued a permit to import allocation. The causes, BP is still waiting area decrease FTZ guidelines that will be down 19 this February.

This situation not only in the electronic course, the import of products while not running due to waiting Juklak FTZ earlier. As a result, the current goods from outside the region, such as Jakarta more Kepri into the region.

However, it will not take long when BP Regions may issue a permit in relation to the allocation of imports will decrease the operational FTZ.

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