Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Warning for iPod Users

Public schoolboy on morning jog killed by train as he ran over level crossing wearing iPod

A talented public schoolboy was killed on a level crossing because he was listening to his iPod and failed to hear the oncoming train.
Sixth former Matthew Leonard was taking an early morning jog on Valentine’s Day when he was struck. He died instantly.
The 18-year-old boarder at the £25,000-a-year Christ’s Hospital School near  Horsham, West Sussex, was captain of the school’s cross-country running team, a gifted mathematician and had been offered places at several leading universities.
The horrific accident happened shortly before 7am less than two miles from the school, which has 840 boys and girls who regularly achieve some of the best GCSE and A-level results in the country.
Last night the school’s headmaster, John Franklin, paid tribute to Matthew, who won a gold medal after taking part in a nationwide mathematics competition last November.
‘The school community is shocked and saddened by this news and our thoughts are with the parents, the rest of our pupils and staff at the school at this very difficult time,’ said Mr Franklin.
‘Matthew joined us as a sixth former, a quiet but pleasant young man who was well liked by both his own year group and those younger pupils with whom he came in contact.
‘He was a bright, hard-working student, holding offers for some top universities, and was also a talented long-distance runner.
Prestigious: Tragic Matthew Leonard , 18, was a boarder at Christ's Hospital School in Horsham
Prestigious: Matthew Leonard , 18, was a boarder at £11,600-a-year Christ's Hospital School in Horsham
‘His tragic death has touched all at Christ’s Hospital and we will miss him greatly. The pupils and their parents have been informed and a special assembly and chapel service has been held.’
Yesterday contributors to the school’s internet forum offered their condolences to Matthew’s family and friends.
Tragedy: The rail crossing near Christ's Hospital where Matthew Leonard died
Tragedy: The rail crossing near Christ's Hospital where Matthew Leonard died
One posted: ‘There is a fairly large curve on the tracks which makes trains hard to see.
‘Although they are quite loud  on approach, if someone had  headphones on or was on the phone, this advance warning would be lost.’
The teenager is thought to have been listening to his iPod and not heard the train approaching
Distraction? The teenager is thought to have been listening to his iPod and not heard the train approaching
A farmer at Sharpenhurst Farm – which is parallel to the railway track – told how pupils from Christ’s Hospital School would often run through his land.
‘There are always groups coming out for a run through the fields,’ said the farmer, who did not want to be named.
‘The police and paramedics  came down my road on Monday morning to get to the crossing.
‘The trains come past at about 75 miles an hour. It is a tragic waste of a young life.’
The accident mirrors the death of another Christ’s Hospital School sixth former who died more than 20 years ago. Richard Slater was killed on March 15, 1990, by the same Bognor to London train service after deliberately walking on to the tracks close to the school.
Recent research revealed that  as many as 17 accidents every day occur in Britain with victims described as having put themselves into ‘iPod oblivion’.
The AA has reported that  pedestrians, joggers, cyclists and motorists are all at risk of falling into a ‘zombie-like’ state while plugged into modern technology such as MP3 players.


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