Thursday, July 16, 2009

becareful of phising on facebook

Attention XXX, your account will be deleted unless you co-operate!

Our automated system indicates that you are engaging in behavior that may be considered annoying or insulting by other users. Sometimes people get these warnings for simply misusing one of our features. Reasons for this may include but not limited to:
• Disturbing people with racist or sexist remarks in social applications,
• Misusing Facebook's mailing system,
• Registering more than one unique account,
• Inappropriate pictures in your profile or albums...
MoBi Moreno: You are violating Facebook's Terms of Use therefore your account will be deleted. Clicking on a link below will take you to more information on the list of people who have been reported you. For more information, please go to:

But nevertheless, there might be some error because of false reportings from people who don't like you at all. If you think that this message made by an error, or you do have some questions to ask about your account to our support team, you can go to our Account Help Section and fill the statement form out at:

Best Regards,
Adam Hupp.
Facebook Support Team Member


do not input your facebook user account and password

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